paul mason
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Paul Mason (born 23 January 1960) is an English journalist and broadcaster. He was Culture and Digital Editor of Channel 4 News, becoming the programme's Economics Editor on 1 June 2014, a post he formerly held on BBC2's Newsnight programme.
Pomáhají statiny vůbec někomu? O kolik nám umí prodloužit život? Jsou bezpečné? Co říkají studie? Vše, co potřebujete vědět ve skvělé přednášce Paula Masona.
Paul Mason (1898-1985) was an American writer, parliamentarian, historian, and assistant Secretary of the California State Senate in the first half of the 20th century.
Mason's first novel, Battered Soles, was published by Turnstone Press in 2005. [6 ] The novel celebrates a fictional pilgrimage from Peterborough, Ontario, to the small village of Lakefield, where there is, Mason asserts, a statue of a blue...
Paul Mason (23 June 1952 - 9 May 2006) was a British sculptor and artist working mainly in stone and marble. [1 ] Winner of the Royal Academy Gold Medal in 1976, his work has been exhibited in the United Kingdom and Europe, including the...
British journalist and left-wing activist Paul Mason became famous with his book PostCapitalism two years ago. He set up a vision of a high-tech society where work is scarce and the state is strong.
Perry Mason je fiktivní postava obhájce, jež vystupuje v detektivkách amerického spisovatele Erle Stanley Gardnera. Perry Mason se objevuje v 82 jeho románech a 4 povídkách.